
CHECKLIST for Fiction

It is recommended you print this list to ensure you have each item completed as requested.  Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be discarded. 

Email the following FILES, exactly as listed below, to:

IMPORTANT:  Do not submit manuscripts via a bulk email messaging service such as SendGrid, MailChimp, etc. None of these services can follow our submission requirements.

     XSUBMISSION FILES – All submission files are required to be in MS Word documents.
 FILE 1 – Cover/query letter – “Pitch” about your work in one (1) short paragraph which included what book category it falls into.
 FILE 2 – Sample first 50 pages or first 3 Chapters to include:
 Title page: contact information (full name, mailing address, phone, email address), genre, and word count
 Sample pages MUST be: 12-point, Times New Roman font double-spaced WITH numbered pages, no extra returns between paragraphs and dialogue, .5 inch indent on the first line of each new paragraph
 Synopsis:  3-5 pages and includes how the book ends. We do not accept synopses or excerpts that are pasted in the body of the email.
 FILE 3 – Biography and promotional information in one (1) document.
Title of your manuscript – Inquiry.docx
Title of your manuscript – Sample50.docx
Title of your manuscript – Biography and Promo.docx  
EXAMPLE:  If the title of your manuscript is “The Crows Beak”, then your file names would be:
TheCrowsBeak – Inquiry.docx
TheCrowsBeak – Sample50.docx
TheCrowsBeak – Biography and Promo.dox


  • We do not consider books that have already been published in any format, including eBook only.
  • We do welcome reprints from established authors of titles that are currently out of print, unless they are already available in any eBook formats. You must have proof verifying that the rights have reverted to you.
  • If you have signed a contract with another publisher, please let us know.
  • Thank you for your cooperation as following our submission requirements helps us review material more efficiently.
  • Both unagented and agent submissions are welcome.
  • Authors are requested to keep us informed if a manuscript is no longer available.
  • Generally, if we decline a manuscript, we felt it wasn’t a fit for any of the publishing imprints we carry.  
  • If you do not hear back from us within four (4) months, please contact us by resending the query letter.  The sheer volume of queries can be overwhelming; we hope you understand.
Puppy Love 3: Reawakening
Yogic Bliss and Sexual Healing, an Erotic Memoir/Self-Help Book
Puppy Love 2: Building a Family
Memoirs of a Wannabe Sex Addict
Memoirs of a Wannabe Sex Addict